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Covid-19 Protocols

Covid-19 Protocols

(Updated July 30, 2024) At Ballare Teatro Performing Arts Center, the safety and well-being of our families, dancers, and staff are always of utmost importance. We are continuing to monitor the threat of Covid-19 to our dancer and staff population. Please help us provide a safe environment by observing these protocols:

  • In-person attendance health requirements are as follows:
  • Have you tested positive for Covid? You should stay home for 7 days past your positive result, after that you may return to class wearing a well fitting mask for 4 days.
  • Are you showing symptoms of Covid (or any illness)? Please stay home and test!
  • Has someone in your household tested positive for Covid? You may attend class in person wearing a well fitting mask. You need to get a negative Covid test result 10 days after exposure to return to in-person classes without a mask. 
  • Commercial-grade air purifiers have been installed in the lower-level studios. UV-C systems have been installed in the HVAC ductwork throughout the building. We have increased our filtration and the amount of outside air circulating through the system as well.
  • Studio spaces will be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized every evening.
  • Please bring a water bottle to class. The drinking fountain has been turned off, but the water bottle filler is still working.
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